Bibliographic description (International):
Vladymyr, O. (2024) Significant personalities in the establishment of Ukrainian business culture: scientific achievements and cultural impact of Ivan Pului's works. Socio-Economic Problems and the State (electronic journal), Vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 86-106. URL:
The article reveals the role of a prominent personality in the formation of Ukrainian business culture, using the life path and scientific achievements of Ivan Puluj as an example. A general understanding of the concept of business culture as a part of the intangible economy, which includes a valuable and mental segment, is provided. The article states that various factors influence the formation of business culture, such as: education and art, science and technology, language and religion, values and relationships, state policy and social order (social organization), etc. The article describes the life path, scientific achievements, social and political activities of Ivan Puluj – one of the outstanding Ukrainians and scientific figures of the world scale. His main inventions that changed the world are mentioned. These include: work with cathode-ray tubes and gas-discharge lamps; the invention of an incandescent lamp of a new design that shone for 100 hours; the improvement of the device for determining the mechanical heat equivalent; invention and construction of a vacuum lamp; the invention of a thermometer to measure the temperature of the unique depths of the earth; the invention and patenting of the miner’s lamp; the patenting of the design of telephone stations and telephone sets; participation in the opening of the first AC power plant; participation in the launch the first tram line in Prague; as well as research and discovery of the properties of cathode rays; and performing the world’s first X-ray of a child’s body. The article emphasizes that, according to Ivan Puluj himself, his most valuable contribution was the first translation of the Bible into Ukrainian. The article substantiates that the figure of Ivan Puluj as a highly spiritual, deeply patriotic personality, a philanthropist, a promoter of the Ukrainian idea, education, as well as the language, caused and can still cause a significant impact on the formation of Ukrainian and international business culture.
References (International):
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