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Vol. 28, No.1. 2023

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# Article Title Hits
1 Socio-Economic Problems and the State. Title page 1(28) 2023 1095
2 Content. Socio-Economic Problems and the State. Title page 1(28) 2023 923
3 Directions of the hotel, restaurant and tourist business development under transformation processes 1103
4 Democratic governance: conceptualization of foreign experience, analysis of the key theories and concepts 1151
5 Business lending analysis during the war: state support programs 1256
6 Free Walking Tours: Ukrainian format 1391
7 A new approach to the analysis of the high-tech exports dynamics (on the example of the Czech Republic) 1061
8 Current trends and perspectives in the restaurant industry 1195
9 Determination of synergic interaction possibilities and construction of a strategic development map of the "industrial enterprise - united territorial community" system in the context of the germinative vectors of development implementation 1051
10 Transformation of business models in the digital economy 1334
11 Industry 4.0: State, problems, prospects of HoReCa in Ukraine 1454
12 Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring grain enterprises sustainable development in the post-war period (European contexts) 1070
13 Food security of Ukraine under the war aggression: current state and future perspectives 1514

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