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Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring grain enterprises sustainable development in the post-war period (European contexts)


Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring grain enterprises sustainable development in the post-war period (European contexts)


Andrushkiv, Bohdan
Kyrych, Nataliia
Tsikh, Halyna
Boyko, Ostap
Boyarchuk, Nazar


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University 56 Ruska str., 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine

Bibliographic description (International): 

Andrushkiv, B., Kyrych, N., Tsikh, H., Boyko, O. & Boyarchuk, N. (2023) Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring grain enterprises sustainable development in the post-war period (European contexts). Socio-Economic Problems and the State (electronic journal), Vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 104-114. URL:


Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"



Issue Date: 


Submitted date: 


Date of entry: 



Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University 

Country (code): 


Place of the edition/event: 









improvement of management
sphere of production
processing and export of grain,
economic activity
transformational society
European Union

Number of pages: 


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End page: 



The article is devoted to identifying problems in the field of organization of production, processing and export of grain, finding ways to solve them in the context of Ukraine’s accession to the EU in the post-war period. The prerequisites for increasing the effectiveness of management decisions, strengthening executive discipline and responsibility by means of control according to European models are considered. Based on the analysis of literary sources and the existing experience of grain enterprises, the characteristic features of their functioning, the toolkit for identifying the causes of their occurrence, the ways and means of their prevention are proposed and, due to this, the effectiveness of economic reforms and the efficiency of management in the war and post-war periods are determined. The implementation and improvement of the effectiveness of the specified measures is proposed due to the improvement of management levers. Solving the problem of administrative prevention of miscalculations and violations is considered in particular as one of the directions of the management efficiency increasing, development of the national economy, and generally strengthening economic security in the conditions of war in the state. It is substantiated that due to innovative factors, it is possible to ensure not only the appropriate scientific and professional level of management, the stable functioning of the national economy of Ukraine, but also the prevention of misuse which can actually make it competitive in the EU. One of the means of achieving this goal is the management of factors influencing the economic stability of the enterprise’s functioning. The main factor of stabilization and the source of increasing production resources is the effective use of existing means and the rational use of resources, the role of which is increasing in conditions of state independence, economic independence of economic structures, when the possibilities of attracting new resources are largely determined by both the existing potential and the competent policy of their rational using. The research was carried out under reformation and transformation processes in the war and post-war period.


The authors received no direct funding for this research.




Copyright owner: 

Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"

URL for reference material:

References (International): 

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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.28, No.1



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