Encouragement of scientific development of modern, economical anti-missile defense systems principles against expensive ignition-artillery and other means as a direction in the modern military conditions of Ukraine (information-cognitive and scientific-encouraging aspects of improving the defense doctrine of Ukraine in the conditions of russian aggression)
Andrushkiv, Bohdan Melnyk, Liliya Ratynskyi, Vadym Vysotskyi, Vitalii
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University 56 Ruska str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine Saliy Oles Vasyliovych, private notary of the Ternopil notary district, 2 Petliury str., 46023, Ternopil, Ukraine
Bibliographic description:
Andrushkiv, B., Melnyk, L., Ratynskyi, V. & Vysotskyi, V. (2022) Encouragement of scientific development of modern, economical anti-missile defense systems principles against expensive ignition-artillery and other means as a direction in the modern military conditions of Ukraine (information-cognitive and scientific-encouraging aspects of improving the defense doctrine of Ukraine in the conditions of russian aggression). Socio-Economic Problems and the State (electronic journal), Vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 77-97. URL: http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2022/22abmura.pdf
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Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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war anti-aircraft defense missiles TSO iron dome social (germinative) development unification of territorial communities territorial defense science European standards state
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Abstract: |
The article, based on the primary analysis, revealed high cost and low efficiency and contradictions in the functioning of the anti-aircraft, especially anti-missile defence of Ukraine during hostilities. It is suggested to clarify the terminological apparatus in this specific sphere of defence activity of society. The problem is considered both in the global and international, as well as regional, branch military conditions of the functioning of the voluntary association of territorial communities of Ukraine, territorial defence, etc. It is noted that air defence is carried out by air defence troops of land units and fighter aircraft in cooperation with air defence troops of the country, and in the case of hostilities in the area of the sea coast – with air defence units of the navy. It is established that most Western and European Commonwealth armed combine air defence exclusively with conventional forces (i.e., army, navy and air force), as a separate wing, or as part of the artillery. It is assumed that from a practical point of view, Ukraine may need ground air defence more than aviation. In the paper the interrelationships of the development of the air defence system within the framework of the development of the European Commonwealth in the interstate context are revealed. On this basis, the trends of this process are established and offered to use of modern economic European approaches to the organization of antimissile defence on the latest economic and environmental principles and the implementation of reforms in Ukraine in accordance with the modern requirements of European standards. The progressive experience of anti-aircraft protection of the population, the peculiarities of the operation of the “Iron Dome” and the issues of defence of the state maritime zone, for which the "M-dome" is used, are described. The economic characteristics of air defence with the use of anti-missile installations are given. It was emphasized that, like any other weapon, “Iron Dome” should not be considered as a separate unit, because all military equipment and weapons work in a single system.
The authors received no direct funding for this research.
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Socio-Economic Problems and the State
URL-посилання пов’язаного матеріалу:
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.26, No.1
